原标题:David Tennant's Doctor Who Return Can Only Work as a Criticism of Toxic Fandom
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原作者:Diane Darcy
David Tennant is back as the 14th Doctor, and while Doctor Who's 60th Anniversary trailer promises an epic story, it could also comment on toxic fans.
The BBC released a new trailer for the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary specials, set to air in Nov. 2023. The specials star David Tennant as the 14th Doctor and mark the return of Catherine Tate as fan-favorite companion, Donna Noble. The 60th Anniversary specials will also debut Neil Patrick Harris' mysterious villain, as well as Yasmin Finney's Rose. While the trailer is promising an epic storyline that will mark the television debut of some Doctor Who's most obscure characters like Beep the Meep, there is one other thing the specials can address: toxic fandom.
When asked by Stephen Colbert in 2017 about the backlash Jodie Whittaker received when she was first announced as the 13th Doctor, Tennant's response was, "You know, whenever the Doctor changes, there's a backlash because that's the character people love. So, people get very affectionate about the Doctor they knew." Tennant then reflected on his own experience with backlash when he was first announced as Christopher Eccleston's replacement in 2005, "They were like 'who's the weasily-looking guy? Who's this? I liked the last guy! This is not going to work for me! This show is dead to me! I resign from the internet! Send!' There was a lot of that, and that happens every time, and that's because it's a show that has a lot of enthusiastic followers." With Tennant back as the 14th Doctor, the timing is ripe for addressing fandom backlash in the upcoming specials.
Toxic Fandom in Doctor Who's Modern Era
每次有新演员出演这位标志性的时间领主[博士]都会遭到强烈反对,不同年代的《神秘博士》粉丝都不会对此感到陌生。正如田纳特简要描述的那样,本剧有着热情洋溢的粉丝群体,每位粉丝都有自己最爱的博士。因此,粉丝们对自己产生强烈共鸣的那版[博士]难以释怀,并且对新演员出演博士持严厉批评态度。 当然,这些最初的反应往往在观众体验新博士第一集时迅速失效,因为新博士通常会证明自己一直拥有演绎这一角色所需的演技。
Different generations of Doctor Who fans are no strangers to backlash every time a new actor is cast in the role of the iconic Time Lord. As Tennant very succinctly described, the show has a passionate fanbase, with every fan having a favorite incarnation of the Doctor. As such, it's hard for fans to let go of the version of the Time Lord that strongly resonated with them, and are known to be harshly critical of new actors stepping into the role. Of course, those initial reactions are often quickly invalidated the moment viewers experience a new Doctor's first episode, often showcasing they always had the acting chops the role required.
As Tennant elaborated in his interview with Colbert, casting the role of the Doctor is about "finding the right performer at the right time." He even supported Chris Chibnall's decision to cast his Broadchurch co-star Jodie Whittaker as the 13th Doctor. When asked about his reaction to Whittaker's casting, Tennant revealed "I'm delighted. She's been on Broadchurch for three seasons, so I know her very well -- she's a mate of mine." Tennant further explained that he couldn't think of someone better to "join the gang" and that all backlash over her casting would be made irrelevant after she took on the part. While the majority of Doctor Who fans along with Tennant embraced Whittaker as the first female Doctor, unfortunately a very vocal corner of the fanbase spent Whittaker's entire tenure tearing down both her era and her Doctor.
1、“觉醒便破产”(go woke, go broke)据说是来自畅销书作家John Ringo的词汇,以此表达“当一个组织‘觉醒’以采取政治正确的行动时,此类行动将引致巨大的损失。”
2、 Karen是一个贬称,一般指代自认为有权势或要求超出合理或必要范围外权利的妇女,通常是金发的中年白人女性。
示例:Karen Gillan在某个粉丝问答里说过:Is Karen Gillan a Karen? NO!!!!!!
3、 但如果不只是讨论剧集的话,她其实不是第一位跨性别同伴(前面广播剧已经有Tania和Cleo了),也不是第一位初始生理性别不是女性的Rose(广播剧里有平行世界的男性版本Rob,登场时间远早于宣布选角的2022年)。
At the heart of Whittaker's less thoughtful criticism has been the "go woke, go broke" mentality, with some vocal fans even referring to the 13th Doctor as "Doctor Karen," due to the actor's gender. When Ncuti Gatwa was similarly announced as Whittaker's successor in May 2022, the same vocal fans who objected to Whittaker's era continued their song and dance about how the BBC was killing the Doctor Who franchise dead. The casting of Yasmin Finney as the first transgender Rose similarly gave these less thoughtful fans more fuel for their ever-raging fire. The recurring theme in all their complaints is not wanting the show to progress in a way that's inclusive of people who are not white, heterosexual cisgender men as the Doctor and non-white companions.
How Doctor Who Can Cleverly Address Toxic Fandom
When Tennant was officially confirmed to be the 14th Doctor at the end of Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor, the vocal fans that campaigned against Whittaker's tenure for years treated his return as a victory. To them, this was the BBC admitting the Whittaker era was a failed experiment and brought Tennant back as a way of restoring fans' faith in the future of the show. Of course, Tennant himself has never expressed concern about the show's future and returned for the 60th Anniversary specials due to his love of Doctor Who. He also came back to the franchise with the awareness that his return would be brief and that Gatwa is Whittaker's true successor.
虽然有分析者抬出了汤姆·贝克[第四任博士]在50周年特辑《博士之日》演的馆长(The Curator),以及最近科林·贝克[第六任博士]在广播剧里饰演的继任馆长和平行世界的“第五任博士·战士”(The Warrior)来举例,但作者有提到“一整个新时代”,显这话是有限定适用范围的。
Still, returning showrunner Russell T Davies can still capitalize on Tennant's popularity to address the problem of toxic fandom in Doctor Who as part of celebrating the show's history and future. Since Doctor Who has always been about moving forward not backward, Tennant's return as the 14th Doctor presents a perfect opportunity to establish why the show has never recast a previous actor for a new era. From what's been depicted in the 60th Anniversary trailer, the 13th Doctor did not expect to regenerate into a previous incarnation. This causes the Doctor to experience something of an identity crisis, effectively confirming that something went wrong with their regeneration.
There's also the villain to consider. While the 60th Anniversary trailer doesn't confirm who Neil Patrick Harris is playing, many of the clues strongly hint at him being the Celestial Toymaker. Not only does this particular villain have the ability to manipulate a person's perception of reality, but he also has a proclivity for puerile behavior and deadly games. Harris' mysterious character already embodies some of those traits in his brief appearance, which could easily be used to address why the Doctor regenerated back to a previous incarnation. There can even be some meta-commentary on how this villain believes the 10th Doctor is "the best incarnation," which could also explain why the universe is suddenly revolving around Donna again.
当然,不可忽视的是,博士自第十个化身以来已经成长了很多,而第十三个化身体现了这种成长的大部分。第十四任博士是从第十三任重生而来,因而许多第十三任博士的经历在对他来说记忆犹新。如果解决了这种不寻常重生背后的情况,通过描写他接受自己不再是第十任并开启新人生,就可以对博士的成长进行有意义的讨论,承认。他还可以通过承认自己必须不断进步、永不倒退来巩固这一观点。 这也将为盖特瓦的第十五任博士创造一个更有力的过渡。
Of course, it can't be ignored that the Doctor has grown a lot since his 10th incarnation, with the 13th Doctor embodying much of that growth. Since the 14th Doctor is newly regenerated from that incarnation, much of the 13th Doctor's experiences are still fresh in his memory. If the circumstances behind the unusual regeneration are addressed, this is where the Doctor's growth can be meaningfully discussed by admitting he's moved on from the person he was as the 10th Doctor. He could also solidify this point by acknowledging he must always evolve and never regress. This would also create a stronger transition to Gatwa's 15th Doctor.
While there is no guarantee the 14th Doctor's regeneration will be handled in a way that comments on some vocal fans' unwillingness to accept change, not doing so would be a gravely missed opportunity. This is especially true since Tennant's return is coming at the heels of Whittaker's era, and already sets a bad precedent for how the BBC can artificially boost ratings if a particular era proves controversial. Still, this doesn't have to be the message. By explicitly reaffirming why Doctor Who must always embrace change in the 60th Anniversary specials, this could go a long way to invalidate any toxic fan belief that a past era was a "failure."
The Doctor Who 60th Anniversary specials will air in Nov. 2023.